logo22 September 2023 - New village website

As previously announced the village website has been redesigned and it will go live on Sunday!
The look and feel has changed significantly and some of you might not even like it!  Too late to volunteer your help now, but we welcome constructive feedback - just "Reply" to this Newsbite.  There will certainly be some edits needed to some of the information - we haven't been able to check everything - so please contact us with updates and corrections.
Along with the new software underneath (you might recall that the obsolescence of the old software is the very reason we had to do something) are a number of nice features that we hope will make it more useful - to residents and visitors.   Everything from the old website is still there - somewhere - but we have moved a lot of old stuff to an "archive " section.
We want to make it somewhere to use, not just to look at occasionally, so there is a special emphasis on social events and what's happening in the village halls.  The Diary section will be kept up-to-date directly by members of the Sutton Poyntz Society Committee and the Mission Hall Trust Committee, and new events will be listed at the same time at posters go up in the village.  There's also a page of Newsbites - these wise words will be captured for eternity...
Of course the march of progress also means that Facebook is probably a more appropriate place for discussions (and arguments) so we do have links to the Facebook pages for the Village and for the Street Fayre.
MANY thanks to Bill Egerton for months of work on the website, and to a group of unsung heroes who have helped move data from the old website, create new information, and test that it all works.  
J & S