tonys logo10 November 2017 - Important Dates for your Diaries
Dear all,

Some events for your diaries

Pop-up coffee shop

Maureen tells me that there will be another Pop-up coffee shop taking place in the Mission Hall on Saturday 25 November in aid of the BBC Children in Need Appeal. It will be open between 10am and 4pm, with refreshments available all day, plus homemade soup and rolls (the call is already out to our village bakers!) for lunch between 12pm to 2pm and stalls for browsing. Over £900 was raised last time to help the Appeal, which was a tremendous result. Mark the date in your diary NOW, and hope to see you there again this year.

New Craft Group
Joyce Peel tells me that the Sutton Poyntz Village W.I. will be launching a 'Crafty Chatty Group' - I love that name - to meet every Monday morning between 10am and noon in the Mission Hall. This is open to EVERYONE, not just W.I. Members. The aim is to encourage villagers to meet for a chat and refreshments whilst sharing their craft knowledge. This should be a great chance to meet new friends, and perhaps introduce others to a new hobby, learn one yourself, or just have a chat in good company. So come along with your knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing, embroidery etc, and more importantly, yourself. The 'Crafty Chatty Group' will meet for its first session on Monday 8 January, at a cost of £2 per session, and every Monday thereafter, initially for three months.

Carol Service
The Mission Hall Trust Carol Service will take place this year on Monday, 18 December outside - guess where? - the Mission Hall, at 6pm. Afterwards there will be refreshments - mince pies, mulled wine, tea, coffee in the Hall itself. If you have been before you will know that this is a wonderful and atmospheric way to enter the festive season, and if you haven't, you are in for a treat.  Make sure you don't miss it.