tonys logo19 November 2017 - Important Neighbourhood Plan News
Dear all,
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has just issued Newsletter No. 4, which outlines progress over the last 6 months. It also describes a planned second, and much more detailed, canvassing of village opinion. This Newsletter has been distributed recently and is also available on the village website at
(follow the link in the paragraph titled "Latest News").
Then on Friday 1 December, a Place Appraisal will be published. This covers a number of topics
1.  A detailed description of how the village is today
2.  The development history that made it this way,
3.  A set of challenges and opportunities for the village to address in the near future,
This should be a really interesting read. In addition, two surveys are planned - a "Stage Two Survey" and a "Housing Needs Survey". The Stage Two Survey, seeking the village's opinion on a number of detailed topics, can be completed and returned by all individuals living or working in the Neighbourhood Are. Just one Housing Needs Survey is to be completed by each household, especially those households that in the next 5 years are likely to have housing needs (upsizing, downsizing etc). Both surveys will be delivered between Friday 1 December and Tuesday 5 December, for completion and return no later than Friday 5 January 2018.
All these documents will be rolled out at the Village Coffee Morning in the Mission Hall on Friday 1 December, 10.30 to 12 noon. You can view and borrow copies of the Place Appraisal, and it will also be available on the Village website.
The Surveys are a vitally important opportunity for everyone to express their wishes and needs for the village over the next 15 years. So do come along to the Coffee Morning to see all the work already performed by the hard working Steering Group, and make your contribution to the resulting Surveys.
Your Village is in YOUR hands