tonys logo 31 August 2019 - Help with your surplus produce
Dear all,
Tony Ferrari sends grateful thanks to everyone who responded to his appeal last week for surplus fruit and vegetables for use by the Lantern Trust, the Weymouth Charity which helps people in times of difficulty. It has all been used to provide delicious meals for their clients. Tony himself is recovering well from his separated shoulder – don’t ask; alright, a fall while running on slippery pebbles - and can now wash his left armpit with his right hand. Up til now he had to use his left hand on his left armpit, a tricky process. But I digress. Tony would again be grateful for any surplus fruit or vegetables - except  courgettes/marrows, as the Lantern have enough of these to last for quite a while.  This suggests that it has been a good year for marrows, despite there being only one entry in that class at the Village Vegetable Show! Anyway, please pop anything you can spare into the wooden box with a white lid by the phone box and Tony will deliver them on Monday morning. He will do this every Monday until the end of the growing season, so please help every Sunday until then if you can.