tonys logo 19 March 2020 - Getting help to those who need it

Dear all,

The recent SP Committee Meeting discussed the need for neighbourly communication and community spirit at this worrying time, with a Newsbite to further this aim. Everywhere it is the old, the sick and those already struggling who will be affected the worst when isolated. The St Andrew’s Church Community Angels have years of experience in helping people in their own homes, so I contacted co-ordinator Brian. He told me that they are leaving it up to their individual volunteers as to the degree of contact they have with the people they are assisting. In addition to their normal workload they have now been contacted by the local surgery asking if they can assist in delivering much needed medicines to people at home. Then Tamzin Hyde contacted me and forwarded the attached flyer which she hopes to put through as many doors as possible, especially to reach those not Internet connected. A number of other concerned and thoughtful villagers have also offered assistance, so I have put them in touch with Tamzin.  After reading the attachment, can I suggest that if you need help, suspect someone else does or can provide help yourself that you contact Tamzin or Carolyn.

It’s worth repeating the list of local businesses who can offer a small-scale delivery service and are able to take payment over the telephone:

·        Spar Preston Road – 01305 832035

·        Craig’s Dairy – 01305 834591

·        Dorset’s Kiwi Butcher – 01305 250800

I will keep you up to date as things progress.

If we all pull together, we WILL get through this.
