tonys logo 24 December 2020 - Christmas greetings

Hello everyone,

It has been suggested that tonight at 6pm (or 1800 hours for those of a military bent) we go outside our front doors throughout the country and ring a bell for Christmas. A sort of distanced group hug if you like, to hopefully provide a sense of belonging in these strange times.

Thank you for your responses to my scribblings, or more correctly, typings over the last nine months or so. I do hope you found them interesting, helpful and just occasionally amusing. It has been a pleasure for me to be able to pass on news of all the neighbourly activities, the organised events limited only by social distancing and the sense of community that have enlightened the dark days and enhanced the pleasant ones.

Christmas will not be as we would have wished in many respects but let’s strive to make the best of it. Some have suffered more grievously than others and our thoughts are with them. If we get – or can make - the opportunity to spread a little happiness let’s take it, with a kind word here, a smile there, a touch of concern and a helping hand if needed.

I wish you and all who you hold dear the very best for Christmas and the days that follow.

Sincerely yours
