tonys logo 1 January 2021 - Dogs and the Telephone Box

Hello everyone,

Firstly local resident Graeme reminds us that “a dog recently died as a consequence of eating palm oil washed up on Weymouth beach. Apparently, palm oil causes kidney failure in dogs and appears on the beach as small, innocuous white ‘blobs’”. Bill looked into this and found it very difficult to find anything authoritative on the subject. From what he discovered it seems that palm oil itself is no worse than a laxative, but while at sea it acts as a detergent, absorbing chemicals which can cause real damage to dogs. So the message is to keep an eye on your dog on the seashore.

Secondly, on the subject of feeding dogs, our own Mother Christmas, Maureen the Mill, was spotted just before Christmas delivering a delicious tasty treat that she had cooked up in her kitchen – no palm oil in sight – to selected village dogs via their owners. You can see that my sources are everywhere!

Thirdly, our hard working chairperson Hilary helped by Sue has tidied up the telephone box  - sorry, the Village Library and Information Centre. They sorted out the books and ended up with a lot that Sue had to take down to the Household Recycling Centre, and  Ray Aggett has kindly offered make another bookcase to create more space. It is marvellous that lots of people enjoy the books, but please limit any donations to paperbacks. Hardbacks take up a lot of room, and there is no demand for old reference books, their function having been overtaken by the Internet. One they found dealt with a medical condition that hopefully few Sutton Poyntz residents suffer from.  So please, paperbacks only.

And finally, a very happy New Year to you all. May it bring everything that you wish.

Best regards
