tonys logo 17 January 2022 - Good news and thanks times three; Grants available;

Hello everyone,

Three items of good news resulting from help for villagers by villagers. The last Newsbite mentioned the village clean-up of the Pond on Saturday 5 February starting at 9.30am. Karen replied immediately to say that as on previous such occasions the Springhead will supply complimentary bacon rolls, tea and coffees for the pond clear up team. Just the thing after spending  a morning working in the wet. Many thanks Karen for that generous offer.

A picture containing text, outdoorDescription automatically generatedThe Village Noticeboard on the Cartshed wall was suffering, like me, from the ravages of time and it was decided that a new one was needed. As he has done so many times before Dave Buckley volunteered to manufacture one and the result of his labour has now been installed, as you can see. Dave is a skilled craftsman who has made many items to grace the Village and we are most grateful for all his work on our behalf.

It seems like a long time ago, but it is only just under two weeks since Twelfth Night when, according to tradition, all Christmas decorations should be down and packed away. Hence it is not too late to say another thank you to village residents Tamzin and Pete who donated one of their lovely Trinity Street Christmas Trees, fifteen feet high with lights, which was erected opposite the Telephone Box. Not only supplied but taken away before the due time of 6 January, thereby avoiding any chance of the bad luck which my dear old Mum believed came from allowing decorations to remain beyond the due date. So thank you Tamzin and Pete for your generosity.

Tony Ferrari tells us that Dorset Council has a fund available to help community projects. If you are part of a group that could benefit from funding for project in the pipeline then he suggests that you visit this link  New grant for community projects in Dorset - Dorset Council news to see if you are eligible for a grant. Don’t delay, do it today.

Stay safe and smiling – easier now as there is a lot more to smile about -
