tonys logo 23 January 2022 - Footpath reopened; SP Platinum Jubilee Celebration Update

Dear all,

If you read yesterday’s Times from cover to cover “like wot I do” you will have come across a local story on Page 21. It concerns Dave McCune who lives at the top of Verlands Road. Dave fought for 12 years to reopen a footpath, closed by local landowners, which runs from the top of the road to opposite Top Gear Garage on Osmington Hill. Dave’s work came to a successful conclusion late last year. I was one of many people who sent in a letter a decade ago saying that we had used the right of way for at least ten years - in my case it was more like 40 years. Dave’s research unearthed a 120-year-old map which outlined the route. He also told me that he had discovered a WWII aerial photograph taken by a German plane which clearly showed the footpath. DCC eventually ruled that the path should be re-opened but the landowners appealed so the case went to the Planning Inspectorate. I was present, together with Dave and the landowners, when the Inspector visited the area to see for herself what was involved. She later confirmed the DCC decision. Well done Dave. Many people will be grateful for your persistence and hard work.

And some more good news. I am remiss for not updating you on the exciting progress in planning for the Village celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Sunday 5 June 2022. With the owner’s generous permission this will take place on the green space just over the bridge at the bottom of the pond, starting at 1pm or 13.00 hours for those of a military mind. Festive bunting will decorate the village, and chairs, tables and gazebos – to protect against the fickle British weather – have been promised. Other necessities such as cutlery, plates and bowls are also on the way. The hog roast will be followed by dessert and village baked cakes, but please bring your own liquid refreshment. There will be entertainment from our village troubadour Charlie, who will be singing songs from the 50s vintage onwards, with contributions from the Village WI ukulele group and others. The cost is still to be finalised but tickets will be available from Tuesday 3 May, money with order. In addition to regular Newsbite updates there will be a leaflet drop with full details to all homes on 4/5 April. Caroline Crisp is organising a display of Queen's coronation memorabilia on show in the Mission Hall on Friday/Saturday 3/4 June. If you have anything suitable please contact Caroline at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The list of those already helping is too long to mention everyone. Suffice it to say that that there are many people already giving freely their time and effort across all village organisations, including of course the Springhead, where Karen has been most generous. More hands will be needed  nearer the day so watch this space. Marvellous to see how the village is pulling together to make this a celebration to remember.

Keep smiling
