tonys logo 13 February 2022 - Update on Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in the Village; Defibrillator

Dear everyone,

Hilary has provided an update on the plans to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee in the village. She says that after several committee meetings the organisation of the various events is well under way. These start with of the lighting of our beacon on Thursday 2 June. It’s nice to think that ours will be one in a vast chain of beacons stretching throughout the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and British Overseas Territories including for the first time the capital cities of all the Commonwealth nations. On Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June the Mission Hall will host an exhibition of memorabilia of the Queen’s reign, particularly her Coronation (which I remember very well). The showpiece event will be the village hog roast on Saturday 5 June. Hilary reminds us that in keeping with Queen's wishes you were asked to plant trees in gardens or containers and to send photos to Jez Cunningham. So far he has received four photos, so there is a just a little bit of room left for some more! Please get planting.

She goes on to say “You may have heard of the wish to create a Village Jubilee orchard for everyone to enjoy. With the help of Wessex Water and our local farmer a site was identified but unfortunately, we have learnt that there is a water main under the area which sadly makes tree planting undesirable. We haven't given up and are still communicating with the relevant parties. However, we have other plans to plant trees around the village and we need your help to suggest locations for them. We would also like to enhance our very beautiful village by planting snowdrops now and in the Autumn. Perhaps organising a village bulb planting day? Last but not least we hope to instal a Jubilee bench in the centre of the village. Please let us know if you would like to help plant trees or bulbs or sponsor a tree or provide some bulbs. The next Jubilee planning meeting is on Thursday 10 March at 10am at Hawthorns, Plaisters Lane and everyone is welcome. Thank you for your support.” I know I speak for everyone when I say thank you to Hilary and everyone involved in the planning. They have given us so much to look forward to in the coming months.

Jez Cunningham reminds us that the Village defibrillator is located behind the Springhead Pub. To find it go through the lower car park on the right of the pub, up the ramp to the higher car park and turn immediately left. The defibrillator is at head height (it is to someone as short as me) about ten yards away fixed around the corner of a fenced area. Using this literally lifesaving machine is very straight forward, but Jez has also supplied a link to a short video on its use which shows how easy it is to use. Worth a watch, as no one can tell when they might need the information. Control/click on this link

Best regards
