tonys logo 8 June 2022 - Newsbite /Newsfest – Two weeks of Festivities and Community
Just two weeks ago, May 24th on a beautiful Spring evening, 30 + villagers enjoyed a five-mile walk, ably planned and led by Richard Backwell around the countryside ending up at “The Black Dog” at Broadmayne for supper. Great fun with lots of chat after a three-year break from this event. Thanks Richard - and when's the next walk?
The Bunting's up!
Skip forward to June 2nd and once again we were walking, this time to the Beacon to celebrate the start of the celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. 100 + gathered there to watch the lighting of our Beacon, to raise a glass to Her Majesty and to see the fireworks from Weymouth. Thanks to Jon and Ian for transporting the fuel for the fire and the 'Fizz', (kindly supplied by ‘The Springhead’).
June 3rd the monthly coffee morning was particularly well attended as many of us were eager to see the exhibition in the Mission Hall of 'Coronation Memories'. This had been lovingly and beautifully put together by Caroline Crisp. We were delighted to see the display, which included some of our residents as children in fancy dress in 1953 or acting in Hardy's plays or pantomimes circa?? Bill Egerton had compiled a fascinating video for this event again including shots of villagers and interviews. This can now be downloaded from the History>Images page. Well worth another look. This continued until June 4th and it was lovely to see so many locals and visitors enjoying the memorabilia and indeed the cakes on offer! Thanks to all the bakers, contributors, Bill, and Caroline of course.
June 5th and then...the long awaited 'Street Party'. The planning for this started many months ago. Hilary Davidson led an enthusiastic committee who took on various roles.  Many of you will know that there were some unexpected hiccups with the venue! We are all so indebted to Erica and Tony Ferrari who at the last moment offered us their beautiful garden in which to host this event. It was the perfect place! So it rained? That never stops a Brit! Who can forget the sight of certain villagers dancing in the downpour? We want to see a photo display of this very soon! [Editor’s note: here’s a few: ]
So many people were involved that we cannot mention them all by name: the heroes and heroines who offered transport; set up; cleared up; washed up; shopped; baked etc. etc.
Especial thanks though to the Ukuladies and to Charlie for entertaining us.
And how do we thank Hilary who conceived the idea, led the committee, hired Portaloos (did she help put them up? Probably!) and so many other tasks behind the scenes.  Well done and heartfelt thanks from us all Hils.
Just when you thought we'd finished! More good news and thanks.
On May 24th we put out an appeal for help to get the Rectory ready for a refugee Ukrainian family. On June 5th they moved in and are delighted with their new, safe home. So many people from our community have helped with gardening, decorating, donating furniture, toys, food and money.

What a wonderful, caring community to be part of. How lucky we are!

And next? Watch this space...
J and S

P.S. Three fold-up tables are awaiting collection from Erica and Tony's garage!!