tonys logo 19 December 2022 - Wildlife in the woodland just below the spring basin
As some of you will know the Biodiversity Group have been managing the woodland just below the spring basin for a number of years. This has been part of a long-term lease agreed between Wessex Water and the Sutton Poyntz Society. We do get a number of requests about access and we are working with Wessex Water to get a boardwalk built in the wood to help in that respect, as much of the wood is now flooded following the river being diverted a couple of years ago.
To give folks an idea of the wildlife that live in the wood we have been keeping a video diary by using cameras at different locations. Following a fair amount of work, helped by Bill Egerton, we now have the diary accessible on the village web site. For the next couple of months the diary can be accessed from the front page of the web site via the link Biodiversity Group's Video Diary - it can also be accessed via the Biodiversity home page.
The objective of the diary is not to produce spectacular wildlife footage, we leave that to the experts, but to give an insight into life going on in this quiet and  peaceful part of the village, undisturbed by human activity.
Dave Emery
Biodiversity Group