tonys logo 18 July 2023 - Walking on the wild side
Well - a great response to the idea of organising some walks in the woods!
The date of the first one has been pushed out a week to Friday 15th September.
Depending on numbers it will start at 10am (if one large group) or if there are two smaller groups, 10am AND 11am
And then if there's still a demand, further walks can be arranged in the following weeks/months.
If you've already given your name to Jon Waterman then just pencil in Sept 15th. 
Jon will be in contact with you nearer the date (which is still two months away!) to confirm times.
If you might fancy joining a tour of the woods but haven't contacted him yet, then please do so:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By the way, it won't be possible to bring dogs so don't plan on combining it with your pooch's exercise routine.
J & S