logo25 January 2024 - Forthcoming events

My goodness - so much happening in this little village that you probably need a reminder.  Of course there are posters around but if you zoom past at 29mph you might not have time to read the details.  And everything is on the village website under Events (where else?) but there is so much interesting stuff on the website that you might not have time to read it all...  So here's a quick list of what's coming to a village hall near you - have a look on the website for further details:
February 2nd - Coffee Morning in aid of Motor Neurone Disease (10.00am start).  Big raffle!  Cheese scones!
February 2nd - Mission Hall Beetle Drive at 7.30pm
February 24th - Another Race Night!  Well you asked for it...
March 8th - Ken Watkins musical evening
March 13th - Garden Club talk "Seasonal Colour and Interest in the Garden" at 2.30pm (please note this date has changed)
March 16th - Concert "Music for a Spring Evening" at 7.30pm, in aid of St Andrew's lychgate repairs
J & S