logo15 May 2024 - Blue Welly licence application

The following information has been received from Cllr Louie O'Leary, our Dorset County Councillor and Cllr Peter Dickenson, our Weymouth Town and Dorset County Councillor:

 Blue Welly licence application

An application has been made for Blue Welly events about a premise license in respect to the field adjoining the Springhead pub for live and recorded music to be played alongside the sale of alcohol between the hours of 10:00:23:00 Monday-Sunday.

If you would like to make a comment on the application then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send it in writing to Dorset council licensing County Hall Dorchester DT1 1XJ.

Please if objecting stick to material objections based on the 4 main licensing objectives:

  • Protection of children from harm
  • Prevention of public nuisance
  • Public safety
  • Prevention of crime and disorder.

Good advice I can give as well is to try offer possible compromises such as "We would support this on a once a month basis or one off events" as it carries weight.

We are hoping to get this application brought to committee in order for people to speak at the meeting.


Cllr Louie O'Leary and Cllr Peter Dickenson

Bill (on behalf of J & S)