logo16 May 2024 - Blue Welly licence application - reply

We have received the following clarification from Jo, Karen and Steve at the pub, about their licence application:

 Blue Welly licence application

Hi, It's Jo here from The Springhead,

As you are aware from the last Newsbite we have applied for a licence for the field behind the pub. I thought it's best if we explain the licence application and reasons behind it.

We run our weddings, dog show, ska fest etc through our wedding company Blue Welly Events. The reason for the application is so we can use the field for some of the weddings, enabling us to move the music and bar into the field and if we change the layout of the festivals it would also allow us to move the music and bar for these
There is no intention to use the field for anything else other than what we currently do now. We are if anything just moving what we currently do further away from the village.

Within the application we have asked for Mon-Sun 10am-11pm as these are just standard premises timings and we regularly get enquiries for weddings for any day of the week hence the Mon-Sun.

We run a limited number of weddings and events a year and we have no intention on increasing this. We have seen an increase in people requesting to hold their wedding in the field, which this application will allow us to offer.

The reason the licence is not being applied for under The Springhead is because the pub is under Punch Taverns. We have applied for the licence under our own company to retain control of it and during the consultation meeting with The Police Licencing Officer (Kirsty Gatehouse) we personally requested that should we cease to lease the field in the future we want to be able to terminate the premises licence along with it.

Our family has lived in the village for over 20 years and we have run the pub for over a decade, during this time we have always taken into consideration the village into everything we do.

In conclusion : we are not doing anything different nor increasing anything that we do not already do. All we wish to do is have the opportunity to use the field when needed.

If you would like to talk to us or if you have any questions regarding the licence, we would be more than happy to discuss them with you.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Karen 07968299421

Thanks for reading.

Jo, Karen & Steve
The Springhead

Bill (on behalf of J & S)