logo20 May 2024 - Forthcoming events

J is back from a little break and he'd like to give you some updates, clarifications and reminders about all the exciting events in and around the village in the next few weeks.
Road resurfacing
If you haven't seen the No Parking / 20mph signs on Sutton Road / Plaisters Lane you might not have noticed that there will be some "surface redressing" on Wednesday 22nd May.  If you've grown to love any particular potholes make sure you say your fond goodbyes before Wednesday.
Barn Dance
The last few tickets (£10) are still available for this fun evening from Hilary and Sue or contact any other committee member.
Art Exhibition
Talented members of our village Art Group will be exhibiting their work at the Mission Hall on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th from 11.00am until 4.30pm.  I'm told that entry is free and there will be coffee and cake.  That's probably free too - if you buy a painting...
D-Day Beacon lighting with fish&chips
Forgive me but I think a box of matches would work better.  But as you know we're going to be remembering D-Day on June 6th with a fish supper at the Mission Hall - make sure you're there for the delivery at 7.30pm!  This will be followed by a stroll up to the Beacon and a glass of prosecco.  Tickets (£10) are available from Shirley and Sue or contact any other committee member.
Replacement bench at pond
You may have noticed the poor state of the bench outside the Springhead.  Weymouth Council have responsibility for the safety of such things and have declared it to be unsafe and beyond economic repair - and they were proposing to remove it.  So the Society and The Springhead have decided to replace it, sharing the cost, so look out for a shiny new one soon!  And just because the Council can't repair it doesn't mean that we can't - and use it somewhere else (but off the public highway!)
Society Subscriptions
And if you missed the AGM due to another more exciting appointment (really?) then here below is a reminder of how your subscriptions get spent.  (The level of subscriptions is set to ensure we cover all the running costs of the Society without having to put on fund-raising events - that means any surplus from events can be directed at specific projects aiming to enhance our lovely village surroundings - such as a new bench!)  
That pre-amble was a sneaky way to remind you to cough-up your £2.50 each to cover those costs.
And of course you can find all this stuff on the website anyway.  In fact I encourage you to get into the habit of looking at the website.  We do what we can to send out Newsbites and put up posters about forthcoming events, but I know some of those Newsbite emails end up getting accidentally deleted (nobody would deliberately do such a thing, surely?).  And some of you don't drive through the village slowly enough to read the posters.  The result is that people miss exciting stuff that's happening :-(
Here are some useful website links:
 J & S
Addendum - Society running costs covered by subscriptions:
We collected £760 last year which is sufficient to cover the annual costs of the Society. Broadly these are as follows:
Insurance £405
Website / companies house £130
AGM £55
“Basic” maintenance £70
Printing and misc £25
Defibrillator maintenance £30
Total £715
We fund other costs from surplus from events.