logo17 June 2024 - IT'S SCARECROW TIME AGAIN!

This is a summer of sport, with the Olympics in Paris, the Tour de France and the football Euros, so this is the perfect opportunity to be really creative with our sporting theme.
I am looking forward to seeing lots of lycra, shorts and swimwear! 
The event runs from 1 July to 2 August, when photos of the entries will be displayed at the regular coffee morning in the Mission Hall. Although this is not a competition, the much coveted scarecrow trophy will be presented to the entry which receives the most likes!
If you would like to join in the fun and display a scarecrow, please contact Liz Balfe with your name, address and phone number, so that your entry can be put on the map 
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone/text: 07816415212
Or put a note through the door of Little Acorns, Puddledock Lane
J & S on behalf of Liz Balfe