logo27 June 2024 - Bench by Pond

You may remember that the bench at the pond backing on to the pub has been deteriorating.  Weymouth Council said it was beyond economic repair and planned to remove it.  Your village Society intervened and agreed with the pub to replace it and split the costs 50:50.  Jo and Karen will add a brass plaque remembering their Dad.
As you can see, the bench has been installed by the village maintenance crew, led and organised (and photographed) by Jon Waterman and is looking splendid.  At least 4 people tested it straightaway...  Well done guys!
[The old bench may have been beyond economic repair for the Council and their paid employees, but it was felt that our skilled residents with some time on their hands could have a go at it.  Thanks (in advance, let's hope it turns out well) to Graeme Morrison who has volunteered to fix it up.  We plan to relocate it off the highway (are our village roads really "highways"?) - probably up the footpath towards the Millennium Walk.]
J & S