logo30 June 2024 - Scaredy Crows

HELP!  We're seeing a lot of crows (or maybe rooks) around this year - my lawn is full of holes, and it's driving the dog mad!  We urgently need more scarecrows around the village - dressing them with the theme of "Sport" will make them work a lot better.
If you're planning on joining the crowd and making a nice scarecrow and you haven't contacted Liz Balfe yet, please do so as soon as you can.  That way she can include your scarecrow on her map and we can all come and have a look at it!
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone/text: 07816415212
Or put a note through the door of Little Acorns, Puddledock Lane
J & S
ps - just a little reminder that the weather has been threatening to stay dry and sunny.  Fire-risks are high so please be thoughtful when you consider lighting up a barbeque or a bonfire.  These are also the times when we all like to be sitting out in the garden so please think about your neighbours and don't smoke them out!  As a thatched house owner I'm particularly sensitive to such stuff so please let me sleep at night!