16 January 2025 - Mission Hall progress
Dear all,
A quick progress report on the Mission Hall works, but first, a HEALTH & SAFETY NOTICE - Next Monday, 20th January, the Hall will have woodworm treatment, in the loft and under the floor of the main Hall. Please DO NOT ENTER the Hall on Monday.
As far as progress is concerned, the two edges of the floor have been taken up, and the joists have been repaired where rot had got in at the ends. Happily, the joists have proved to be in good condition other than near the side walls, so the planned work will ensure the floor is sound for the foreseeable future; the builders have also attended to some areas where the floor had more bounce than it should have done. Outside, the minor repairs to the roof have been completed, along with the addition of ventilation for the loft; the old guttering has been partly removed, ready for new guttering. Detailed measurements for the double-glazed windows have been taken, and the windows are being manufactured - we're waiting for a date for when they will be ready for installation. The old heaters have been removed and new heaters and lighting will be fitted next week - we are hugely grateful to the Sutton Poyntz Society for a donation that has allowed us to go ahead with the replacement lighting, which will be brighter and dimmable, giving better lighting for (for example) the Art Group, and the opportunity for mood lighting for evening events. The hatch to the loft over the main Hall has been enlarged, and, more important, the shelves in the Store Room are now larger and should avoid the need for clutter on the floor. Finally, the decorator has done lots of highly professional preparation work and first coats everywhere inside, with good progress outside. We are delighted with the look of the colours we have chosen, which make the Hall look much fresher and brighter. We hope you will all be pleased.
We are still highly confident we will have the Hall back in use by the end of February. We will send out more news in a few weeks.
Best wishes,
Bill Egerton on behalf of the Mission Hall Committee