tonys logo14 December 2015 - Street Fayre; Planning; Christmas Carol Service

Good morning everyone,

Can you help the Fayre?

2016 will be, of course, the year of the Street Fayre in Sutton Poyntz, at which all monies raised from the village stalls goes to charity. Judy Backwell asks if you could remember these stalls if you receive any unwanted Christmas gifts, which can be recycled as 'perfect presents'. Stalls needing appropriate items for sale include :- books, antiques, plants, gardening tools, accessories, shoes, designer clothes, puzzles, games, kithenalia, vintage linens, cakes and children's toys. Phone Judy 833349 or Sharon 834659 if you can help, and thanks in advance if you can

 42 Sutton Road Planning Application WP/15/00760/FUL

Demolish existing dwelling and erect 7 dwellings and associated works (revised scheme) (Full)

The Target Decision Date for this application is 31 December 2015.

I am given to understand that if you wish to comment on this application the Planning Authorities will still accept representations up to that date, 31 December 2015.

This means that there is still time to make new comments.

You may have commented on the previous application, so if you wish those comments to be considered, to be on the safe side you should make it known to the Planning Authorities that your previous comments also apply to the revised application.


Christmas Carol Service

On  Monday 21 December, 6.30pm at the Mission Hall. The Salvation Army band will be there, and mulled wine and mince pies will be available afterwards.


A bumper Newsletter is due out shortly with many exciting items for your delectation - and I'm not just saying that because I wrote them!

Last but not least, have yourselves a very Merry Christmas, and may the New Year bring all you would wish.



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