tonys logo15 November 2016 - Children in Need pop up tea room and cake bakers needed

Dear all,

 Two of our ladies have suggested that the community once again demonstrate its 'big heart', by supporting the BBC Children in Need Appeal. They plan a pop up tea and coffee shop in the Mission Hall on Saturday 26th November from 10 am to 4 pm. Homemade cakes and drinks will be available all day, and between 12 pm to 2 pm there will be the added bonus of homemade soup and rolls. On sale throughout - though they are sure to go very quickly- will be artisan bread, cakes and books, plus a grand raffle. If you would like to help in any way, with cake making or assistance on the day, give Hilary (834479) or Maureen (835533) a call. But whatever you do, don't forget to drop in and enjoy good refreshments, good company and all for a good cause.

 And on the subject of baking, a feature of the Friday coffee mornings in the Mission Hall (the next on Friday 2 December) have been the delicious cakes on offer. These are baked by volunteers who are on a rota to provide just one cake a year. Peter Riley says that currently he has barely sufficient volunteers to achieve this, so it would be nice if some new names could be added to the list. If you would like to help - remember it's only once a year and the cost of ingredients is covered - then give Peter a call on 834653.

