tonys logo23 October 2017 - Scout Jumble Sale

Dear all,

Mo Martin tells me that the Weymouth East Scout Group Autumn Jumble Sale will be taking place this Saturday, 28 October, at 2 pm at the Scutt Hall. This is one of the major fund raising events of the year and the money raised goes to the Scutt Hall funds for the benefit of all the youngsters who use the Hall. Mo says that jumble is required - that's clothes, books, bric-a-brac or anything saleable - so if you can help, please take anything you have to the Scutt Hall or ring John Sutherland (who, together with Jean Seymour, is helping Mo and Dave) on 832227, or contact any leader. Some help might be needed with sorting the jumble the day before, or on the day itself. Again John has details. The Hall is used throughout the year by so many of our youngsters, so any assistance will be gratefully received. And of course, if you are in search of a bargain, there will be plenty on offer, so do drop in at the Scutt Hall this Saturday afternoon. My In-house Adviser will see you there.

