tonys logo 20 October 2018 - Can you help?
Dear all,
Next Saturday, 27 October, at 2pm in the Scutt Hall the great Weymouth East Scout & Guide Autumn Jumble Sale takes place. This is one of the three major fund raising events to help maintain the Scutt Hall for the use of our local youngsters. There is still time for you to donate saleable items, and organisers Mo and Dave Martin (836322) would love to hear from you. Clothes, bric-a-brac, books, toys, household goods etc would be most welcome. Perhaps you might also like to drop in on the day to see what is on offer? Who knows, there might be just that quirky present ideal, dare I mention it, for Christmas.
And again last but by no means least, because we have not been inundated with replies. Is there anyone who could give our  hard working SP Society Secretary Bill Egerton some help to maintain the Society web site? No meetings to attend, do as much as you are comfortable with from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. No great IT skills needed - if I can use it, anyone can!  - so give Bill a ring (832872), without obligation, if you might have just a little time to spare to the benefit of the village.