tonys logo 22 October 2018 - 100 years from the end of WW1
Dear all,
On 3rd August 1914, Britain’s Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, looking out of his office window at the gas lights along London’s Mall, remarked “The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” For those who gave their lives it was a lifetime,  and for others four long years before Britain and Europe would again experience the light of peace.
In commemoration and remembrance of the end of the war, Beacons of Light will be lit at 7 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018 throughout the UK - a century after the guns fell silent. They will symbolise the 'light of hope' that emerged from the darkness of war.
The Beacon above the village will be lit as part of this commemoration, preceded by the reading of the names of those from the memorial at St Andrew's Church who made the supreme sacrifice and, if a volunteer can be found, the sounding of the Last Post. We shall then retire to the Springhead to raise a glass to their memory.
So bring a torch, wear stout footwear and suitable clothing but more importantly, bring yourself. Anyone for whom the walk up to the beacon might be too difficult there is a good viewpoint from the beginning of the Millennium Oak walk.
Wood to burn is needed, which Jez Cunningham has generously volunteered to drive up to the beacon in his Land rover, so let him know (835811) if you have any. Let me know about any possible bugle players and put the date and time in your diary - 7 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018.