tonys logo 11 December 2018 - Telephone Box, Carol Service, Road Closures and Christmas!
Dear all,
The Village Telephone Box

I am sure that by now you will have seen the vast improvement in and around the village owned telephone box opposite the Cartshed. Colin and Rita Oxby cleaned and painted the outside beautifully in shiny look alike BT red, Ray Aggett constructed a new planter which Jez Cunningham and Bill Davidson installed and filled with plants. Not to be outdone, Hilary Davidson has decorated it with Christmas lights! Many thanks to them for their considerable efforts. The full story of what it took to get to this satisfactory conclusion will be revealed in the next Newsletter. Don't miss it!

In the meantime, if you have, or know of someone who has, a bookcase that can be adapted to fit the box in order to hold books, leaflets etc, please let me know.

Carol Service
The Mission Hall Trust Carol Service will be on Monday, 17 December outside the Mission Hall at 6.30pm, when we will be accompanied by the Salvation Army Band.  Afterwards there will be seasonable refreshments - which certainly means a mince pie or two will appear -  in the Hall itself. The combination of the Salvation Army Brass Band and carols in the open air is always a lovely start to the festive season. Make sure you don't miss it.
Advance warning of road closures in New Year
You may already have received a letter about this, but better told twice than not at all. Wessex Water will be completing the water main improvement work that they started round about this time last year. The work will take place as follows:
Wednesday 2 January to Friday 18 January
There will be traffic lights on Preston road from Preston Village Hall to the Sutton Road junction. There will be manual control of the lights at peak times.
Monday 21 January to Sunday 3 February
Sutton Road will be closed overnight (10pm to 6am) from Preston to Verlands Road, but access will be maintained to Verlands Road.
Monday 4 February to Sunday 15 February
Sutton Road will be closed overnight (10pm to 6am) at the junction with Puddledock Lane, but access will be maintained to Puddledock Lane.
For the Sutton Road closures a diversion route will be in place, and I am reliably informed that this will not take us any further north than Yeovil. You are also asked not to mention  the work going on at Westham Bridge!

And last but not least, may your Christmas be merry and bright, and the New Year bring all you would wish for you and yours.

Best regards
