tonys logo 30 December 2018 - Things happening next year
Dear all,

The Sutton Poyntz Women's Institute. The first meeting of the SP WI in the New Year is on Wednesday 2 January in the Mission Hall between 2pm and 4pm. This will be a friendly, informal games afternoon with a Bring and Buy Stall all rounded off with a cream tea. And to keep that friendly atmosphere there isn't even a competition  this month, so do drop in - you will be sure of a warm welcome as a regular member or guest.

 The Chatty Craft Group. This cheerful and welcoming group resumes its regular meetings on Monday, 7 January in the Mission Hall between 10am and noon, and every Monday morning thereafter. Following their rave reviews at the WI Christmas party the ukulele practitioners will be taking a break, but there will be many more craft or other skills on show. So why not come along to have a go yourself, watch others 'at work', or even just to enjoy the conversation and refreshments. Do drop in and see them, and make a New Year resolution to attend every Monday, starting on the 7th.

 The next in the series of Winter Coffee Morning is this coming Friday, 4 January in the Mission Hall between 10.30am and noon. The weather is unseasonably warm, equally as warm as the welcome at these Friday morning get-togethers, so for tea (or coffee if you must), a delicious slice of homemade cake and good conversation make a point of being there. It's a great opportunity to tell everyone about that £40,000 diamond ring you received as a Christmas present, and if that has left a bit of a hole in the family finances, it costs only £2.50 to get in.

