tonys logo 6 January 2019 - Supper evening to help Okhle Village in Nepal
Dear all,
Richard Backwell is organising a fundraising evening to help the area around Okhle Village, which, like a lot of Nepal, is still struggling to recover from the catastrophic earthquake in 2015. The event will take place in the Mission Hall on Wednesday 27 February at 7.30pm and consist of a brief talk on how the Okhle Village Trust started and what has happened to Samjur School since the earthquake. There will then be 30 minute film illustrating the work of the Trust and local Rotary Clubs in supplying water to the area. This will be followed by a casserole/chilli/curry with jacket potatoes supper - bring your own wine, beer, soft drink or whatever takes your fancy. The cost is £10 per head, and tickets will be on sale from 10 February from Ruth Davies 833798 or Richard Backwell 833349. Sounds a great way to support the marvellous efforts being made to help this area of Nepal, and have supper in good company. What could be better? See you there.
Best regards