tonys logo 13 January 2019 - Horse Racing comes to Sutton Poyntz
Dear all,
I have it on good authority that you are ensured an evening of fun at the Sutton Poyntz Society's Night at the Races, especially as there is no chance that you will lose your shirt - or blouse. This will take place on Saturday 16 February in the Mission Hall starting  at 7.30pm. Prestigious races from around the world will be uploaded onto the laser display screen, and you will be able to place bets, using the specially provided SPSoc currency, with expert bookmakers ready to take your 'money'. There will be a pause in the excitement for a fish and chip supper (vegetarian option available), and you can bring your own favourite tipple - being careful not to take so much as to cloud your judgement of the horses in the parade ring. The cost is only £10 per person, and you book your place (so numbers are known for the catering) via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Pay any committee member thereafter. I have won millions over the years with my system, which, for your eyes only, is to put your 'money' on any horse with a colour in its name. You can't go wrong. Remember  Saturday 16 February in the Mission Hall starting  at 7.30pm.