tonys logo 28 April 2019 - Things happened and about to happen
Dear all,
The recent Weymouth East Scout & Guide Spring Jumble Sale raised the marvellous sum of £415 to help maintain the Scutt Hall for the benefit of all the local youngsters who use it. Mo and Dave Martin asked me to thank everyone who helped on the Friday and Saturday and those who contributed things for the sale. I think we should also be very grateful for Mo and Dave's sterling efforts, for they work extremely hard, and without their dedication the jumble sales just would not take place. They deserve a huge 'thank you' for all that they do.
Don't forget the Summer Coffee Morning on Friday, 3 May between 10.30am and noon in the Mission Hall. There will be teas, coffee, homemade cake and of course Jeans famous cheese scones on offer, all for a very reasonable entry charge which I should know by now, as I attended last month, but I've forgotten what it was! It will be good value anyway, and as an added bonus, at 11am Paul Delves, Southern Projects Manager for Wessex Water, will formally present the village with a bench to replace the broken one at the beacon. Proceeds from the morning will go to the Water Aid charity. See you there.
Maureen Bond reminds me that the Scutt Hall Plant Sale will be taking place on Saturday 4 May (guess where) between 10am and noon. There will be a wide variety of plants on sale from various growers, and delicious refreshments will also be available. Entry is free, but donations to Julia's House would be gratefully received.