tonys logo 23 February 2020 - Coffee Morning and French Supper

Dear all,

The next Coffee Morning of the Winter season will be held on Friday, 6 March, in the Mission Hall between 10.30 and 12.00 at the usual cost of £3/person. This time, in addition to the delicious refreshments and informative, interesting and humorous conversation, Peter Jones says that the SP Neighbourhood Police Team will be in attendance, so do drop in and have a chat with them  - unless, of course, you are on the run, in which case I suggest staying at home with the curtains drawn. It will be a chance to put a face to a name of those who, in difficult circumstances, look after our safety, and you can raise any concerns or, indeed, any praise you might have to pass on.

I was at the Wales vs France rugby match yesterday, so I will be wearing a black armband at the French Supper Night on Saturday. Maureen the Mill asks that anyone who has booked for this event who would prefer the vegetarian option please let her know as soon as possible (01305 835533) so she knows in advance how many to provide.

