tonys logo 6 April 2020 - Path, thoughtlessness, thoughtfulness

Dear everyone,

After my grumbling about the state of the path up to Margaret’s Seat, Mike Haine told me that he had seen some resurfacing work going on. So I went to see for myself. Not via the footpath through Hunt’s Timber Yard/the new houses, but along to the end of White Horse Lane and left after the second gate onto the bottom of the track. Mike is absolutely correct, the path has been flattened and resurfaced all way to the top, even past Margaret’s Seat and on to the pond. It’s a great job, and we should all be very grateful for the hard work and time that went into the improvement. Peter Broach farms the land so a very big thank you to him - many of you will know Peter from last year, when he was guest speaker at the SP Society AGM. A long time ago now, he opened up his fields for camping overlooking the sea, and the day after that first season finished there was not a scrap of litter anywhere. The coast path was absolutely pristine. In Navy terminology he runs a very tight ship, so it’s up to us to return the compliment by sticking to the footpaths, keeping our dogs on leads around livestock, clearing up after them, closing gates and generally following the Countryside Code.

Some comments have come in about youngsters not obeying the social distancing rules, and holidaymakers from other parts of the country in local rented properties. This is possibly because of ignorance, stupidity or a complete absence of feeling for other people? Perhaps all three in some cases.

In these difficult and worrying times it’s often the little things that mean the most, so when someone – they know who they are – dropped by with a home baked gift it quite made my day. Thank you very much.

Stay strong and safe

Best regards
