tonys logo 25 June 2020 - Balfey's bread bonanza

Hello everyone,

Back in 2018 our very own village baker Chris Balfe recruited a number of us for a series of bakery classes in the Mission Hall, at which we would learn how to bake a variety of breads. Good fun they were too, as we would willingly testify. The aim was that by the time of the Village Victorian Fayre we would have sufficient experience to provide loads of loaves for sale, thereby raising money for local charities. This worked extremely successfully. Except that my dough hook broke just before the day and I had to knead all my dough by hand. The results were not quite as consistent as I would have liked, but on the stall there was bread in abundance, and every loaf sold (though I had to buy the last one of mine myself). Pleasingly a considerable amount of money was raised.

This year Balfey set out to do the same again, but of course the lockdown intervened and the Fayre was postponed. Undeterred Balfey, encouraged as ever by his wife Liz (I promised her a mention) decided to send out emails on a regular basis to help us all keep smiling and to bake for ourselves. Over the last twelve weeks he has expanded our expertise, found flour for us when it was in short supply and generally helped to keep morale high. He has just announced his last such email

Good Morning Bakers.
This is my last post for this year. I hope you enjoyed trying the recipes. I hope you learnt a new skill and had something to help you pass the time through the last twelve weeks.
This is my last post, but if you need any help and advice on your baking projects, just send me an email or give me a call. 
I look forward to baking with you all, and new recruits, next year when we will be baking for the 2021 Street Fayre Bread Stall.
Tarrah for now

I know that I speak for everyone concerned when I say thank you Balfey for your help and support during the recent dark days. We look forward to working with you again next year. Until then, as Liz would say, keep baking.

Best regards
