tonys logo 20 July 2020 - Events off and on

Hello everyone,

First some not so good news. The village clean-up of the pond planned for this coming Saturday has been postponed and will now take place at a later date. Apparently a very distraught lady moorhen – let us call her Wilhelmina, not her real name – appeared on Hilary Davidson’s doorstep to plead for a delay in the pond work. Wilhelmina said that her newly hatched litter, hatching, brood – Hilary was not sure which is the correct term (neither is Jez, who offers chicklets, ducklets or moorlets) – would be greatly disturbed by villagers in and around the pond, so please could the work be delayed. Hilary of course agreed immediately. So if you are walking around the pond in the near future, keep an eye out for Wilhelmina, dad Eric and the youngsters. But remember – NO pond clean-up this coming Saturday.

On Saturday 1 August the Village Vegetable Show would have been held in Mission Hall, but sadly this had to be cancelled for obvious reasons. The good news is that at 11.00 am on that day  there will be a spud in a tub socially distanced weigh in at the Mission Hall carpark for all those keen veg growers who bravely planted and nurtured a spud. To limit numbers please don’t attend if you don’t have a spud to enter, which rules me out, but if you have an entry get along to the car park for 11am on Saturday 1 August. There will be a full report in a later Newsbite, including the names of all entrants, the weights of potato achieved, the name of the proud winner of the Des Evans ‘Spud-in-a-tub’ trophy and perhaps even a photo or two. I won’t see you there though.

Best regards
