tonys logo 4 November 2020 - Stracey's charity donation, with your help; Content needed

Dear all,

Mo has forwarded an update from Glen and Simon on their very successful charity food event at Stracey’s Fish & Chips on Monday night. You will remember that rather than let their stock go to waste after lockdown, they organised a grand cook-up with all the meals provided in exchange for a donation to charity. They raised £266 in donations for the food, and after covering the counter staff wages they have rounded up the amount to £300. The last thing to be decided was which charity to support. Following the example of Captain Sir Tom Moore and others, at this time of year they felt it right and proper to give the money to the British Legion Poppy Appeal. In their update Glen and Simon say “thank you” to everyone and they hope to be able to see you all soon. An enormous vote of thanks is also due to them for their wonderful initiative and for supporting such a deserving cause. Well done indeed.

With lockdown now less than three hours away I hope to send out Newsbites to brighten up (hopefully!) the forthcoming days. If you have anything I could use, any ideas for subjects, anecdotes about Sutton Poyntz residents past and present (anonymity preserved if requested), tales of historical events going back centuries or as recent as last week or anything of interest then please send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stay safe and keep smiling
