tonys logo 9 November 2020 - Lock down, spirits up

Hello everyone,

Well, here we are again. All locked down and nowhere to go. My personal view of this takes me back to the days when as youngsters we used to receive regular doses of cod liver oil. Like lockdown that was not very nice but considered essential for our wellbeing. The upside of such government initiatives were the 1/3rd of a pint bottles of milk that they used to provide in school. One for every pupil, but you had three when you got to be a prefect and controlled the distribution of them. And an oldie like me can remember when whooping cough was a notifiable disease requiring a spell in an isolation hospital. Then there was polio, much feared back in the fifties and later on there was even an outbreak of smallpox in South Wales. So infections are nothing new, and we came through that lot so we can come through this one.

Hope you’ve had your flu jab. Mine was extremely painful and meant I needed much care and attention from Jane. That’s what I told her, anyway

Nick sent me an email asking if I’d seen an item in the Echo on 6 November which asked "Guess where this old picture was taken". I hadn’t seen the picture so I googled it. Nick seemed to think it was obvious, but I’ll leave you to work it out. Thanks for that Nick. If you would like to share anything via a Newsbite, let me know.

Keep your spirits up and stay safe.
