tonys logo 28 August 2021 - Lots of events for your diary

Dear all,

It’s nice to be able to report that there are lots of activities starting up again, so no apologies for a slightly longer Newsbite than usual..

The Sutton Poyntz WI will be meeting on Wednesday 1 September in St Andrews Church Rooms at 2 pm. The speaker is Hayley Grainger  and her talk is "Looking after your mental health".

Then on Friday 3 September and on the first Friday in the month thereafter there is the ‘first’ regular Coffee Morning in the Mission Hall from 10.30 am until noon. The cost is £3 for coffee, or better still tea, and a piece of home-made cake. If you drop in for a chat I’ll see you there – but don’t let that put you off.

Thirdly the 'Crafty Chatty Group' will be meeting on Monday, 6 September and every Monday morning between 10 am and noon in the Mission Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend for a chat and refreshments, make new friends, and perhaps learn a new skill - or pass on yours for others to enjoy. It used to be £2 per session and is a good way to banish those Monday morning blues. Do give it a try.

And finally, if like me you are a connoisseur of Annual General Meetings you are in for a treat, for there are not one but two coming along in quick succession. The first is the AGM of the Mission Hall Trust to be held guess where on Wednesday 8 September at 7 pm. If again like me you read wise words pinned to telegraph poles you will know that the agenda is the usual format for an AGM except that this time there will be the presentation of Accounts and Treasurer’s Report for last year and this year, as the AGM could not be held in 2020 due to lockdown.

Then hardly will you have had time to draw breath than the SP Society AGM will be upon us, again held in the Mission Hall, on Wednesday 29 September. The Chair’s Report, Treasurer’s Report and Accounts will be sent out in advance – please contain your excitement – and I hear on the grapevine that in keeping with past years a guest speaker is planned for the evening. More about that when I know who it is.

On a more serious note, both the Mission Hall and the SP Society are at the heart of village life, so if you can spare a little time, go along to both AGMs to show your support for the volunteers who do so much enhance village life.

There’s so much to look forward to now, isn’t there?

Best regards
