tonys logo 9 October 2021 - Scout Jumble Sale

Dear all,

After a long gap – as happens with  everything else in life it seems these days – there are plans to hold the next Scutt Hall Jumble Sale on Saturday 30 October at 2pm. This Jumble Sale is one of two that used to be held regularly in the Spring and Autumn and the money raised goes to maintaining the fabric of the Scutt Hall that is used by our local Scouts and Guides for their meetings. After years of sterling organisation by Betty Henessey, latterly Mo and Dave Martin and many helpers, Samantha Wykes from Weymouth has taken over the  reins. She tells me that she would be grateful for donations of bric brac clothing, shoes, boots, handbags, perfume, toiletries, bedding, cushions, toys, books and jewellery, which seems a pretty comprehensive list. Sam (07533550732) can collect, or donations can be left at the Scutt Hall on the afternoon of Friday 29 October between 2pm and 4pm or mid-morning onwards on sale day itself. The hall may be open on the days running up to the sale for delivering donations, and if this is the case I will let know.

Best regards
