tonys logo 14 October 2021 - Rights of Way Improvement Plan

Dear all,

I am grateful to Cllr Peter Dickenson for sending me the attached details about the consultation that Dorset Council are carrying out to prepare a Rights of Way Improvement Plan. But a health warning here. I found the details a bit confusing – though you may well be brighter than “wot I is” and have no trouble with them. So consult the attached unexpurgated version if you wish, but if not read on for my humble interpretation (you might find this even more confusing).

Anyway, DCC are asking for our ideas and views on rights of way improvements via a survey.

This survey will allow us to: –

  1. Highlight a “missing link” where a new path would join up the network.
  2. Identify a strategic route linking communities that could be shared by walkers, equestrians & cyclists
  3. Explore the possibility of creating a safe off-road route where walkers, equestrians and cyclists currently must use the road
  4. Pinpoint good locations to improve a path’s surface, replace stiles with gates and generally indicate where small measures can potentially make a big impact
  5. Suggest areas where better signage would be useful
  6. Raise concerns and how they might be addressed
  7. Reveal historic details such as old stiles and river crossings that need protecting

You can get to the survey by clicking on the blue survey above or the link below. You will be invited to answer questions and if you want to give matters a little more thought part way through you can save your survey answers  and come back to them later. When I had a go I had to pause at the point where they asked for my ideas on 1 to 7 above. Some time later after considerable thought I was able to continue.

The definitive map of footpaths will be finalised in about two years’ time, so this is one of our few remaining chances to influence this map before it is cast in concrete.

Best regards
