tonys logo 14 April 2022 - Platinum Jubilee Coronation Exhibition

Hello everyone,

As part of the Village Platinum Jubilee celebrations Caroline Crisp is organising a Coronation Exhibition in the Mission Hall on Friday 3 June and Saturday 4 June between 10am and 4pm each day. Entry to the Coronation Exhibition will be free (should that be ‘for free’?) and as you might expect with any event in the Mission Hall, teas and coffees with home-made cake will be available for a modest charge. On display will be a wide range of memorabilia that should bring back a flood of memories for those of you who are of my age, or provide a snapshot of what life was like then for those not quite so ancient. Caroline says that she already has many very interesting items, including a variety of coronation mugs, original papers and magazines of the period, a map of London on the day with all the travel details, a model of the coronation coach and Coronation prayer books. She also has copies of the Echo with details of the celebrations in Preston and Sutton Poyntz together with information from St Andrew’s Parish magazine and photographs taken on the day. These photographs show individuals with which she would welcome help in identifying. Caroline would be appreciative of offers of assistance at the hall for any or part of the two days, and if you have any memorabilia from the coronation that you are prepared to lend then she would love to hear from you on 07901 741648. So mark it in your calendar - Coronation Exhibition, Friday/Saturday 3/4 June 10am to 4pm each day.

One last thought. Caroline believes that an oak tree was officially planted at Chalbury Corner by Mrs Scutt – as in the ‘Scutt’ Hall - in honour of the Coronation and wonders where exactly it was and what might have happened to it. If you have any information on this – perhaps your Great Grandmother might have mentioned it? – then let Caroline know. It’s definitely not the one that’s now in the middle of the roundabout.

Stay safe and smiling
