tonys logo 26 September 2022 - Street Fayre Charity Presentation Evening
A message from the Street Fayre committee:
An enormous amount of money (over £17000) was raised by our exceptional little village through this year's Victorian Street Fayre.
As you know the Weldmar Hospice are the major beneficiary this year, but there are a couple of dozen smaller local charities on the list.
There will be a presentation ceremony on Thursday 6th October at 7pm in the Mission Hall, to give out the cheques to the charities benefiting. 
All are welcome!
Most charities will be sending a representative to accept a cheque, to give their thanks, and to say a few words about the work of their charity and how we are helping.
Sometimes the Dorset Echo and other prestigious media organisations* are present.
And if you needed another reason to attend, I’m sure there are refreshments!
J (& S)
* Unfortunately yours truly can't be there as I have to attend a more important celebration (my birthday)...