tonys logo 1 October 2022 - Shock! Horror! Damaged "finger post" at Greenhill (junction of Plaisters Lane and Coombe Valley Road)
Some of you will remember the sterling work done in 2014, led by Peter Jones, renovating this ancient signpost. It was partly funded by villagers if I recall correctly, with a little something from the Dorset AONB.  It's one of only two surviving finger posts in our area, the other being at the Cartshed junction.
FingerPost 2022
An update...  Peter was out of area from 13 to 27 September, but on his return on 28 September he noted the north-pointing arm of the finger post at Greenhill was lain on the grass.  Did anyone notice, in his absence, if the sign had been damaged / vandalised / climbed on or was it just exhausted by so much pointing and fell off its bracket?  (I recall it was treated with anti-vandal paint or some such stuff?)  Peter has secured the arm on his property until he can contact the Council Fingerpost team and get some assistance in the arm being repaired and refitted. 
If you have any information please call Peter on 01305 833288.
J & S