tonys logo 3 October 2022 - Help to plant a THOUSAND trees!
Earlier this year the Biodiversity group on behalf of the SPS were successful in an application for £1500 from the government Strategic Development Fund to plant a new hedgerow in the surrounds of the village. The objective is to follow the line of the Millennium Oaks now that they have grown sufficiently to form a classic oak hedgerow with the hedge being kept at a height so as not to detract from the oaks themselves. The bid was strongly supported by the office for the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty who manage the grants and oversea the SSSI ridgeway. The hedgerow will contain a diverse mix of a dozen species which will form an attractive colourful boundary to field as well as providing a wild life conduit linking up to ridgeway down land.
This project will be supported by the village, the local farmers George and Sally and the Muntsy’s special needs group. John Waterman has also successfully bid for some support the Woodland Trust.
The project will involve moving the existing wire fence over to the field side of the oaks, this work will involve the biodiversity group and the farmer and will start as soon as the sheep have been moved.
The main activity will involve planting well over a 1000 trees (saplings) starting in about November. We are keen for this to be a community project with an emphasis on the young (children and grand children) so they can over the years  follow the progress of their efforts and also the young at heart members of the village who can become involved in an activity that is both accessible as well as being reasonably manageable labour. If anyone in the village is interested in getting involved please contact Dave Emery 832907 or Colin Marsh 833892.
J & S