14 November 2022 - Millenium Walk hedgerow planting
The Biodiversity group now has a delivery of over a 1000 saplings confirmed for the hedgerow we are planting along the Millennium Walk. We have already planted 300 hedging plants provided by the Woodland Trust under the Green Canopy scheme. As we said before this is intended to complement the row of oak trees by planting 14 different indigenous species to provide a colourful and varied hedgerow. George and Sally intend to keep the hedge cut to a similar height as the existing stock fence so it will not hide the oaks or block views from the footpath.
We want this to be a community project with an emphasis on the youth so that children from in and around the village can see the results of their efforts as the hedgerow develops. The brownies, cubs and scouts will all be involved as well as the Muntsy's special needs group.
We plan to start at 10am on Saturday 26th November, meeting at the footpath by the Millennium Walk, hopefully we can get the work done in the day, weather permitting. All are welcome from the village, all you will need is garden gloves and stout shoes/boots to heel the saplings in. Any additional information can be provided by Dave Emery 832907 or Colin Marsh 833892 as before.
pp Dave Emery