12 January 2023 - Mission Hall
Dear All - Thank you everyone who attended the meeting on 8th December, the meeting was arranged to follow up on the excellent response to the local survey done to gather the opinions of Sutton Poyntz residents regarding the renewal of the Mission Hall lease.
The Mission Hall Committee were pleased to see so many people attend and the discussions that took place offered useful insight into how we should proceed. It has to be said that the opinions expressed on the evening on key issues covered a very broad spectrum of opinion on how much modernising of the hall should be carried out.
That the Mission Hall should be retained as a resource for the village was unanimously expressed. However some ideas on whether there could be a better deal than the existing lease were explored. The trustees are now in the process of finding the best way for us to proceed but the idea of trying to purchase the hall has been discounted as impractical.
The main topic of debate was about how best to make the Hall more attractive so as to encourage groups and events to use the hall more, so that the resulting income could be spent on improvements. Some people were reluctant to consider any change that could interfere with the authenticity of the hall as it was built. Some were keen for big modernisation changes.
The discussions highlighted a number of aspects popular for improvement.
The windows were much discussed. Some would like to see them replaced with white UPVC frames and clear glass so as to improve the light in the hall whereas some favoured keeping the windows, the frames and the original glass, as they keep the halls original authentic appearance. The common denominator in all of the discussion about the windows was that draught reduction and heat retention is important. With this in mind the committee have decided that replacing the windows is not a current priority but that work will be done immediately to improve the closures on windows and to remove the window cords to bring the windows into line with Health and Safety requirements. It has been decided that for the time being the existing curtains combined with the blinds that are in situ are sufficient to shut out draught from the windows.
Finding a suitable answer to the question as to how we should heat the hall and reduce heat loss is likely to be an ongoing debate. Because at the moment the use of the hall is sporadic there was some agreement that the expense of installing a central heating system isn’t financially practical but the idea of exploring ways to fit new more efficient space heaters could work. This is an ongoing matter, with the hike in fuel costs the committee have decided to keep this under regular review with a view to making changes. It has been agreed to establish the cost of installing outer doors on the porch.
There was a unanimous opinion that the toilet at the back of the hall should be refurbished as soon as possible.
The other issues prioritised for discussion and action were the clutter stored by regular users of the hall, the lack of work surface and clutter in the kitchen, and the disabled access toilet being used as storage.
In response to the idea raised that the orchard could be used as a car park so as to encourage groups outside of Sutton Poyntz to use the hall the meeting was informed that this is not an option as per the terms of the Lease.
The Committee are currently exploring the suitability of a suggested Bluetooth system for people who wear hearing aids.
One of the major benefits of contacting local people has been the offers of help from volunteers. The Committee are pleased to welcome the involvement of Sheena Dearness and Yvonne Emery.
The survey also placed emphasis on raising funds. Several of those at the meeting were keen to put forward ideas to raise money and it was suggested that a separate fund raising committee be formed. The first meeting for this group is planned to take place in the Mission Hall at 2 pm on the 18th January when we look forward to meeting with anyone willing to help with events and fund raising.
If you are able to come along you will be very welcome.
We would like to thank everyone for your support and interest
Kind regards
The Trustees
Sutton Poyntz Mission Hall