17 January 2023 - Neighbourhood Plan
Colin Marsh informs us that the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group have initiated a further public consultation starting on 17th January and which will last for at least two weeks. This "New Survey" along with detailed supporting information can be found on the Weymouth Town Council website under 'Neighbourhood Plan' or by using the direct link via the Sutton Poyntz Village web site (go to Neighbourhood Planning and click on Weymouth Town Council under Weymouth Town Neighbourhood Plan).
This latest survey seeks the views of the public on specific proposed sites for building affordable homes, employment and mixed use sites, as well as those being considered for Local Green Space designation along with 'buffer' zones between residential areas. Some key questions are also posed on environmental issues including community renewable energy source preferences.
Whilst the Weymouth Town Council has publicly stated that it will 'respect and include' the Sutton Poyntz Neighbourhood Plan policies, Colin suggests "taking part in the survey provides residents of Sutton Poyntz with an opportunity to influence policy decisions across Weymouth as a whole, as well as ensuring they align with the intent of the policies in the Sutton Poyntz Plan and help to strengthen our existing policies."
Updates on the progress of the Weymouth Neighbourhood Plan are regularly posted on the village web site.