tonys logo 11 April 2023 - Nepal talk by Richard Backwell and Sutton Poyntz Society AGM (document pack enclosed)
Here are the final details in preparation for the Society AGM, including the Chairperson's Report and the Treasurer's Report attached for you to study - ready in case there's a surprise test on Wednesday evening.  (12th April, 7pm, doors open at 6.30 so if you want a good seat...)
But before the business part of the evening, we will enjoy Richard's reminiscences and anecdotes about his many visits to Nepal. There will be drinks and nibbles for your pleasure.
Come with your annual subs (£2.50 single, £5 household) - cash or contactless.
I've been reminded that you have to agree to this modest increase in the subscription rate at the AGM - it's been £2 single, £4 household for the last 16 years - so we'll collect your subs at the agreed rate as you leave.  (Someone suggested that if you don't pay we won't let you leave.  We don't need suggestions like that, thank you very much!)
J & S