logo21 May 2024 - Mission Hall building works
Dear all,

In our previous newsletter (12 April), we told you about our plans for a variety of improvements and maintenance works that the Mission Hall Committee are planning to do. As a first step, we have just put in a Planning Application for replacement windows for the main hall. This application can be viewed on the Dorset Council website (https://planning.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/plandisp.aspx?recno=405424) or via the village website Planning page (https://suttonpoyntz.org.uk/index.php/our-village/environment/planning). We intend to replace the timber single-glazed windows with double-glazed UPVC windows, to the same format as the originals but with the upper panes top-hinged and opening outwards which will be a much more satisfactory arrangement. This will improve safety as well of course as making the building snugger and more energy-efficient.

We hope you will agree with us that this is a worthwhile improvement to the building. It is very much your Village Hall, so please feed comments, whether for or against what we are proposing, via the County planning system.

This is the first of a number of works that we have in mind. Since the last newsletter, we have been successful in winning another grant, meaning we can do more than we had expected; the next Committee meeting will look at priorities.

Can I remind you of the Mission Hall's AGM, on 26th June - an opportunity to hear more about these and other developments. We have vacancies on the Committee, so please get in touch if you want to learn more about what the Committee does.

Best wishes,