The village has produced three Planning Documents, which are available in the following pages.

In the past, the Sutton Poyntz Society used to submit comments on relevant planning applications, but now leaves this to individual villagers. As a service, it provides, below, a list of recent Planning Applications.

Recent Planning Applications:

The Dorset Council website has a planning application search page that (in principle) allows you to find recent planning applications. Unfortunately, it is not easy to set search criteria that will find all recent applications for Sutton Poyntz. The best way we have found is to go to the Advanced Search webpage (you will need to accept the Council conditions for using the data), and enter "dt3 6" in the Address box, plus your chosen date bracket in the "Received Valid between" boxes; this will find applications for a wider geographical area but at least does not miss any relevant applications.

The following is a list of recent applications for Sutton Poyntz - you should be able to click on the supplied links to get detailed information about the applications:

Date Application number Address Proposal Decision
17/3/2025 P/TRC/2025/01562 Spinneys, Plaisters Lane Fell two ash, one corkscrew willow, one cupressus  
13/3/2025 P/TRC/2025/01429 Pumping Station Crown reduce one pine  
12/3/2025 P/TRC/2025/01483 West Brookmead, 2 Brookmead Close Re-pollard one maple, one liquidambar  
6/3/2025 P/TRC/2025/01323 Mullions, Plaisters Lane Crown reduce one beech  
10/2/2025 P/TRC/2025/00792 Prospect House, Plaisters Lane Fell one apple Approved
20/1/2025 P/TRC/2025/00318 2 Cornhill Way Remove one bay, one willow and shrubs Approved
14/1/2025 P/TRC/2025/00182 96A Sutton Road Pollard one chestnut and one ash Approved
30/12/2024 P/TRC/2024/07605 2 Sutton Close Thin one birch Approved
2/12/2024 P/HOU/2024/07070 Hillside, Plaisters Lane Solar panels, plus new dormer window and rooflights; also remove conifers Approved
21/11/2024 P/TRC/2024/06784 Land north of 95 Sutton Road Coppice one willow Approved
18/11/2024 P/TRC/2024/06677 2 Sutton Court Lawns Fell one eucalyptus Approved
11/11/2024 P/TRC/2024/06559 Peveril, Plaisters Lane Crown reduce one tulip tree Approved
22/10/2024 P/TRC/2024/06102 60 Sutton Road Reduce on pine and one poplar Approved
1/10/2024 P/HOU/2024/05157 96A Sutton Road New extension at rear Approved
25/9/2024 P/TRC/2024/05463 Littlecot, Plaisters Lane Fell one ash, one sycamore. Reduce one ash, one willow, one poplar Approved
25/9/2024 P/TRT/2024/05464 Staddles, Plaisters Lane Reduce one walnut Withdrawn
24/9/2024 P/TRC/2024/05449 Sutton House, Puddledock Lane Re-pollard one ash Approved
20/9/2024 P/TRC/2024/05371 Valley Cottage, Plaisters Lane Coppice scrub (maple, hazel, spindle, hawthorn) and regrow selected standards Approved
10/9/2024 P/HOU/2024/04990 83 Sutton Road Replacement garage Approved
9/9/2024 P/TRC/2024/05102 71 Sutton Road Fell one cherry. Reduce one rowan Approved
2/9/2024 P/HOU/2024/04969 Wyndings, Plaisters Lane New garage Approved
29/7/2024 P/HOU/2024/03688 Hillside, Plaisters Lane Convert garage to 'granny' annex; replace timber shed Approved
17/7/2024 P/TRT/2024/03822 Staddles, Plaisters Lane Fell one walnut, and reduce height of second Approved
8/7/2024 P/LBC/2024/03133 107 Sutton Road Replace front door and 3 windows Approved
18/6/2024 P/TRC/2024/03305 Felix House, Plaisters Lane Fell one ash Approved
20/5/2024 P/FUL/2024/02496 Mission Hall, Mission Hall Lane Replace 5 windows in hall with UPVC double-glazed Timber double-glazed windows approved
20/5/2024 P/TRC/2024/02732 Sutton House, Puddledock Lane Fell one Leylandii, reduce one cedar and one bay Approved
30/4/2024 Licence application Field behind Springhead Pub Licensing application for music and alcohol Approved with conditions (see Licensing Committee minutes for details)
29/2/2024 P/TRC/2024/01110 Wyndings, Plaisters Lane Fell 4 apples and 1 birch Approved
28/2/2024 P/HOU/2024/00953 Limewood, Plaisters Lane Side and rear extension Approved
15/2/2024 P/TRC/2023/07317 The Cottage, Puddledock Lane Reduce one beech Approved
26/1/2024 P/TRC/2024/00355 Timberline, Plaisters Lane Reduce one willow, two beeches, one rowan. Fell one rowan, one cherry, one leylandii Approved
22/1/2024 P/TRC/2024/00315 Laurel Cottage, Silver Street Fell one leylandii Approved
16/1/2024 P/HOU/2024/00250 Wyndings, Plaisters Lane Side and rear extension Approved
15/1/2024 P/TRT/2024/00211 Staddles, Plaisters Lane Fell one whitebeam Approved
27/11/2023 P/TRC/2023/06881 100 Sutton Road Reduce one bay, one cherry and one oak, and fell one ash Approved
20/11/2023 P/TRC/2023/01372 The Cottage, Puddledock Lane Crown reduce one plum tree Approved
6/11/2023 P/TRC/2023/06462 Clyffe Cottage, Plaisters Lane Crown reduce one willow, two bays, one hornbeam, one pittosporum, one maples Approved
25/9/2023 P/TRC/2023/05511 1 Cornhill Way Reduce 3 ash trees Approved
21/9/2023 P/CLP/2023/05463 114 Sutton Road Replace tiles with slate. New windows and french door. Approved
13/9/2023 P/HOU/2023/03729 11 Sutton Close Two storey extension Approved
24/8/2023 P/FUL/2023/04933 Land north of The Cottage, and west of The Puddledocks, on Puddledock Lane Change to residential, with one new 4-bedroom house Refused
10/8/2023 P/TRC/2023/04586 2 Puddledock Cottages, Puddledock Lane Pollard one ash Approved
10/8/2023 P/HOU/2023/04653 Ebenezer Cottage, Silver Street New porch at front and veranda at back. Widen back door. Repairs and renewals to garden walls and steps Approved
1/8/2023 P/HOU/2023/04190 1 Millers Close New rear wall Approved
31/7/2023 P/TRC/2023/04364 2 Sutton Court Lawns Reduce one birch Approved
27/7/2023 P/TRC/2023/04255 Greenwood House, Plaisters Lane Pollard cluster of four ashes Approved
25/7/2023 P/HOU/2023/04247 67 Sutton Road Demolish conservatory and erect single storey rear extension Approved
15/6/2023 P/TRC/2023/03401 2 Old Bincombe Lane Fell one gleditsia Approved
5/6/2023 P/HOU/2023/02203 Sutton Lodge, Puddledock Lane Solar panels on garage and house roof Approved
31/5/2023 P/HOU/2023/02927 Staddles, Plaisters Lane New shed Approved
10/5/2023 P/TRC/2023/02704 118 Sutton Road Fell one holly Approved
25/4/2023 P/TRC/2023/02407 83B Sutton Road Reduce one spruce Approved
13/3/2023 P/TRC/2023/01522 Clyffe Cottage, Plaisters Lane Fell two conifers, and reduce beech hedge Approved
13/3/2023 P/TRC/2023/01523 Felix House, Plaisters Lane Fell one conifer Approved
6/2/2023 P/TRC/2023/00685 83B Sutton Road Fell one Western Red Cedar - poor specimen and loction Approved
23/1/2023 P/TRC/2023/00404 Hawthorns, Plaisters Lane Fell one sycamore Approved